We catch up with a BBC Cuckold Couple in the midst of the action.
The cuckold’s wife, holding the Bull’s enormously hard cock in her hand, looked over and instructed him to not touch himself unless instructed by one of the three of us (she, the BBC Bull or myself) and he mumbled a reluctant, “Yes, Ma’am.” I chuckled in his ear and said, “Awwww, poor dear. Have to just let that little toy bounce around on its own. How sad.” And I scratched my nails down his back, bringing goosebumps up immediately. I’m sure he whined.
Hotwife and the BBC Bull, already groping each other, stopped to readjust their positions. I laughed when Hotwife suggested that the Bull put his foot on one of cuckold’s thighs. She began moving her foot onto his other thigh and my lovely black friend mirrored her movements. Right in front of him, his wife and her soon-to-be lover/fucker, sat with their legs open… giving him awesome access to the action about to begin.
The Bull and Hotwife leaned into each other and began kissing… and Hotwife’s hand curled around the cock in front of her. My friend pulled on one of her nipples, then slid his hand down her belly, onto her clean mons and then spread her pussy lips and slid a finger into her cunt. She moaned. So did the cuckold.
Good Cuckold
Within moments, the two were ready for the sex that Hotwife had been craving for years. I whispered in the cuckold’s ear, “How are you doing?” And he said, “Completely humiliated.” I patted his back and said, “That’s a good boy.”
Cuckold Not Even Needed Anymore
In front of our eyes, right under our noses, close enough to lick, the beautiful black Bull and the lovely Hotwife, touched, stroked, pushed, tugged…
… and then they positioned themselves so the Hotwife could finally, finally get the fucking she had craved for so very long.
Right. In. Front. Of. Her. Cuckold.
That black cock s l o w l y… oh, so slowly… pushed its way into that gorgeous, very, very wet pussy. Tickling her lips open, then pushing the head into her opening… and onward.
She groaned so deliciously loud.
The cuckold held his breath.
Cuckold Watches Her Get Fucked
He was finally deep inside her. His groin right up against her white ass.
We could smell her heavy scent.
And then the Bull started. He rhythmically began that in and out that all men know.
And women crave.
We watched, inches from our faces, that cock sliding in and out. Her pussy grasping the shaft.
We could hear the sloshing wet. Sticky shlop shlop noises.
I talked, in a normal voice, to the cuckold, asking him, “What are you looking at?”
He stumbled over his words, but eeked out something I couldn’t hear.
“I’m watching that giant cock fucking my wife. I am so happy for her!”
“That’s a good, good little cuckold.”
BBC Hotwife Show Continues
And we continued watching as the black and white couple moved around, she on top, she on hands and knees, she backwards on top. Sometimes the Bull rubbed her clit; sometimes she rubbed her own.
She came over and over again. I noticed (and loved) that whenever she came, she bored her eyes into her husband’s. I could feel the vibrations of a whine through his body.
BBC Bull Cums
The couple’s sweat mixed with each other and we could smell their heat. Hotwife’s cunt dripped wet and periodically, the Bull would slurp her up with his beautiful tongue. Of course, circling her clit and driving her mad with an orgasm. She made sure to lift her head and look right at her nearly-drooling husband.
And then the BBC Bull was going to orgasm. We could feel the energy building. He was behind Hotwife, she on hands and knees, but her chest and face deep into the mattress. They were right next to us… we watched that cock pound the Hotwife’s cunt as his breathing became audible and then the soft grunts and then he rammed her fucking hard as he roared his ejaculation into that open, hungry pussy.
The pussy that will never settle for anything small again. The pussy that will forever crave a fucking just like this.
I could see the cuckold wiping tears, trying to hide that he was crying.
“What are you feeling?” I asked in his ear.
“Lots of things. Happy for her. Sad for me. Glad it’s over with. Excited for it again.”
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.
Cuckold Cleaning Crew
The BBC Bull pulled out and we could see the cum dripping out of her cunt.
The cuckold blurted out, “Ma’am? May I clean you up?”
She sat up slightly and asked, “Are you sure, my love?”
He nodded vigorously and she patted the bed, inviting him up.
It took zero seconds before the Bull moved aside and the cuckold’s face was in his wife’s cunt. Voraciously, he lapped up that cum as if he’d waited his whole life for it. I chuckled because in their negotiations, he refused to do a creampie on his wife. I couldn’t wait to pry into his head what made him change his mind.
His wife came again, shoving out the last of the Bull’s cum into her dear cuckold’s mouth. He lifted up and his face was covered in both his and her wetness. The look of satisfaction on his face was glorious. She pulled him up and they embraced… and kissed deeply. I could see the immense love they had for each other.
In the Shower
The cuckold trio made their way to the enormous glass shower and this is where I left them, washing each other with soap, touching breasts, spending extra time between each others’ legs. I knew cuckie would finally get his orgasmic reward.
They didn’t need me anymore.
The Cuckold Couple’s new life had begun.
Didn’t take Cuckie too very long to get into the spirit of things! Sexy story! Probably even sexier in RT!
It was, most definitely, lots and lots of fun! Glad you could sense that, jemmie. 🙂
There’s a point where fantasy becomes pure evil and I think you’ve found it. Cuckolding [word removed by moderator] on what makes marriage wonderful. Its not love. Its abuse, not love..
I hear your distress. And you are most certainly entitled to your opinion, but I can assure you, there are plenty of folks… in fantasy as well as real life (which this was, btw)… that find cuckolding an incredibly delicious turn on. I have talked to these two several times over the last couple of weeks and their sex life is hotter than ever… their marriage tighter than ever.
There is a saying in BDSM: Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is Okay
It can be a challenge sometimes to actually believe that saying… it pushes boundaries in many ways. It is, however, something I abide by. I work really hard to not judge others’ kinks, even if they don’t work for me.
Down with kink shaming!
Here, here!
While I wouldn’t endorse what Ben said in his other comments in this thread, I think he was pretty much on the mark here. I was, once, very keen on entering into a cuckold relationship, and for a time an ex-girlfriend was interested in exploring that with me. When I read this story, my interest in such an arrangement ended. Perhaps it is fortunate that my ex decided in the end that she didn’t want to proceed, but that doesn’t affect the principle.
Moreover, it isn’t “kink shaming” to point out what one feels to be the damaging aspects of any given practice. This is real life, and we only have one.
I really appreciate your comment. It is always good to hear different views, you are right.
I will debate your kink-shaming comment, however. You pointing out an opinion is fine, but to insist it shouldn’t be done… that is kink-shaming.
Your last sentence borders on each of those. The implication that “we only have one” life insinuates the person/s involved are too stupid or ignorant to make their own choices and you are needed to educate them. When you said “what one feels,” that demonstrates opinion. I would have been happier if you’d have left it at that.
BUT, again, thanks for your thoughts!
What a beautiful story, told so well, of a couple who gets what i think the meaning of true love is. i applaud them for being able to talk about their fantasies and needs, and being able to show their love and devotion to each other by partaking in such a sharing manner, instead of Hot wife sneaking out behind subbie hubby’s back in some clandestine tryst that would lead to guilt and shame…and probably divorce.
i know that if my first wife had let me watch, and participate as this less endowed specimen did, perhaps we would still be together.
And, Oh yes Mistress, it is such a treat to get to read such an erotic tale on an even day for me!
One of the greatest things i have learned since joining a local kink community, i have unique fetishes that turn me on, which may not have the same effect on others; just as some of their’s do nothing for me. However, the play house is a safe place for everyone to get their thrills, and if it isn’t mine, i just move on to the next room until i find something i like.
Thanks for sharing Your real life experiences with us here. i do love being able to share so much with You, and only wish i had found You through a different venue.
Sweet kneel!
Thanks so much for your comment. Lovely! We do learn so much about ourselves over time, don’t we. Perspectives change and hindsight is so much clearer.
I always love reading your words. I appreciate you thoughts so so much!
gentle hugs
I loved this story. Captured the mind of the cuck…well I don’t know from experience but this story is more what I imagine it to be like.
Chrissy! Thank you! I am so glad you loved the story.
I’m glad I could demonstrate the pleasure in writing.
Thank you so much!
You’re allowed to have whatever kinks you want lol, have fun! And its interesting you think making your partner “sad” and “happy its over with” improves the relationship. Cheating always hurts from my experience. If it adds spice though great! I’m just saying its possibly just *different* and not necessarily *better*. Enjoy your kinks, but also understand that it can change your mind and life for the worse over time. Have a great afternoon everyone, its sunny here! 🙂
Why, yes… we *are* “allowed” to have whatever kinks we want. Thank you for your permission (even though no one asked for it).
A cuckold relationship is so far from cheating, it is *you* who are not seeing the clear picture here. I imagine you think swinging and poly relationships are also “cheating”?
Seeing relationships in the binary and with a myopic, quite Puritanical viewpoint can make it difficult to open one’s mind to alternatives, especially ones that bring a visceral reaction of disgust and disapproval.
You are *clearly* speaking from your pain of being cheated on. Foisting that on others is patently unfair.
And regarding the cuckie’s multitude of emotions immediately post-scene, it is common in life to *have* several feelings at the same time. (Once I learned that in therapy, it opened up a world of relieving conflict in most areas of my life.) His “sad” was clear, but his “happy it is over with” was relief from years of discussion and a build up that culminated moments before.
Regarding minds changing for the worse over time, again, you are speaking from *your* experience. In my world, when people explore, then embrace their kinks and fetishes, far, *far* more GROW in their lives than shrivel.
Blessedly, we DO get to make our own decisions. So do you. It does suck being reminded there are judgmental folks out there in what is, typically, a pretty safe space on a Phone Sex site. But, there are all kinds. You are but one.
Daphne, thanks for your insight. I find this interesting. And, no its just that I’m experiencing a great relationship partially due to I remained a virgin until I was 24. I did this on purpose with many opportunities to lose it and so I believe in the sanctity of what monogamy means. Without using one another, the relationship can grow and there’s no ceiling on how great it can be. I’m just trying to share that reality with you. I tend to think that people sacrifice quality when you partake in a quantity of different sexual kinks. It makes them shallow, I don’t see how you can argue. The rest of the world works that way. Quality/Quantity are at odds with one another. I’m not in the slightest judgmental I think you’re just unhappy to hear of my alternative.
I won’t be checking back, I feel like fresh ideas aren’t welcome. Just confused ideas are welcome on this blog. Email me if you want to talk more! I’ll be respectful if you will. Have a great night.
No worries on not checking back. I will email this to you.
I am utterly baffled what you are doing on a phone sex site… reading Mistress’ blogs… and making the most amazingly straight-laced comments, trying to prove some bizarre point of monogamy being a superior form of relationship… *especially* since what we are shown on tv portrays that as the norm.
You talk to me like I am a child! Like I haven’t lived around the world. Read literature. Visited art museums. Gone to schools. Spent 20-years as a midwife, delving *deep* into others’ lives. Experienced a *wide* variety of lifestyles and learned about even more. I believe, Ben, it is YOU who are misinformed about what relationships… even marriage… looks like around the world.
I can’t help thinking of you as a Christian trying to convert Jews in Israel. It’s really the only image I can come up with as to what you are possibly doing here.
And as far as “welcoming new ideas” here, you think saying I had found EVIL is an invitation to discourse?! Where do you even *go* after an absurd comment like that?!
If I had the inclination (and I most certainly do not), it would be hilarious to pick apart *your* kink. To rock boats? To get off on your (believed) superiority? To stick your high-and-mighty nose where you *clearly* do not belong?
Perhaps you are so strangulated by your religious beliefs fighting with your “base” urges, your Internet searching has brought you to a place where you are forced to look in the mirror and see the enormity of your un-fucking-believable hypocrisy.
I really, really, really hope you are able to find some peace in all that hate and confusion.
Ms Daphne
Even though the cuckold fantasy is not one of mine Your writing is so intense and causes visuals that are such a turn on. The way You describe the scene the sights sounds smells and tastes are incredible. Please do not stop Your blog posts are the only thing that gets me through until I am fortunate enough to session with You again. Thank You
Dearest August! You know how happy I am to please you, too! Thank you for the wonderful comment about my series. Makes me want to write the next story I am working on all the faster!
Be well!
Daphne thank you for pointing me in the direction of this particular piece. I was only going to read part one and call it a night as I’m exhausted, but it kept me in my seat all the way to the end. Kodus to you Ms D – I don’t mind saying again how much I like your style and I do appreciate you sharing. What can I say, I’m a huge Dirty D fan for sure 😉
I am so glad I could turn you onto… well, turn you on! laughingwink
You are so sweet about my writing… things like that will keep me going.
There’s still more you would enjoy… the links are on their way into your emailbox.
Total humiliation must feel incredible :). Amazing how cuckee had no reluctance what so ever when presented with a that creampie. Amazing read as always, Ms.Daphne!
wessypoo! From what I know, it DOES feel incredible! And of course he didn’t hesitate… it was part and parcel of what he gets. Would YOU hesitate? Doubtful.
Thanks for the kind words!
No Ma’am, no hesitation to participate and please Her and You!