I was asked this question so often, I decided I needed to write the answer down so I/we could refer to it often.

Happily, LDW gave the post its own spot for a reference and I am glad to share that here!



Gender Terms and What They Mean

Part of the post says:

“I am privileged to talk to such an amazing variety of folks, many of whom are in varying phases of exploration, questioning or transition and these words – Sex, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation – often end up in a jumble of confusion. It’s time to fix that!

The Venn Diagram above demonstrates that each of those words have zero to do with each other. Each is completely independent of the other.

Biological Sex = What is between your legs at birth.

Gender Identity = What your brain tells you you are: Boy? Girl? Both? Neither?

Sexual Orientation = Who you are attracted to: Men? Women? Both? Trans* folks? All of the above?

(Some lists about these terms include Romantic Orientation as well. Your Romantic Orientation might differ from your Sexual Orientation. A straight ciswoman who falls in love with a lesbian, for example.)”

To read the entire piece, please CLICK HERE!

I would love to hear your thoughts about the post as well. Was it helpful? Clarify things?