Tantric Leg Worship would be a variation on Tantric Sex; a combination of tender adoration and an energy connection exhibited as very slow, purposeful touching and kissing as well as being in a “spiritual” place together. It would be Mistress worship taken to the next level.

Tantric… aka Mindful & Connected… Leg Worship

Leg worship all on its own seems to afford going slow, doesn’t it? One doesn’t rush a muscle massage or even putting lotion on your Mistress’ legs. It is wonderful to bask in the presence of her legs… long, short, plump, bumpy, slender… whatever she might have, they are all gorgeous and worthy of your time.

But when you move to the Tantric level, creating an emotional connection with your heart shifts the energy from typical to ethereal.

Tantric Leg Worship Mistress Daphne 1-800-601-6975


There are wonderful ways to connect with your Mistress.

Quietly, as you begin, ask your Mistress if there are any areas she would like you to spend more time on than others. If she is unsure, ask her to let you know as you are taking care of her body. Check in with her periodically. Quietly ask, “Is this pressure good? Would you like me to press harder or softer?” By asking quietly, you are honoring the process. By checking in, you let her know you are paying attention.

Then, take a few minutes to breathe together while facing your Mistress, each of you looking into each other’s eyes (also called “eyegazing“) and finding the same spiritual (for lack of a better word) plane.

As you first touch, hold your hands still for a moment, your hands connecting with Her body, almost as if there is a melding together of your body and Hers… your aura and Hers.

Tantric Leg Worship Mistress Daphne 1-800-601-6975

Take Your Time

There is no hurry here. Spend much more time in each location than you normally would. That does not mean press hard for a long time, but to find what makes her oooo and ahhh as your fingers touch and shift. If she makes sounds of pleasure, linger there a bit longer, but not so much as it becomes annoying.

Use your senses, and your extra-senses, to “feel” with your heart where you need to be… where to linger… and where to move next.

Tantric Leg Worship Mistress Daphne 1-800-601-6975

Be Creative!

Because you are reading this, I know you are a conscientious person. Therefore, explore ways to make your Mistress’ Tantric session especially amazing.

  • Music: Put on her favorite soft music… Country Love Songs, New Age, Acoustic Guitar, etc.
  • Scented Candles: Find her favorite scent
  • Incense: Ask if she likes it and be aware, in a small room it can set off the fire alarm (btdt)
  • Aromatherapy: Make sure she likes the scent; I am allergic to several aromatherapy vials
  • Scented Oils: Make sure she is not sensitive or allergic first
  • Warm Stones: Study how to use warm stones without burning your Mistress
  • Warm Wet Cloths: Use these to wipe off any oils you used
  • Warm Dry Cloths: Use these to dry her off tenderly after you have cleaned her legs

Tantric Leg Worship Mistress Daphne 1-800-601-6975


…your Mistress will be so honored that you gave her a “spiritual” experience… meaning, your passion, love, heart, respect and attention.

Remember to put the “Tantra” in everything you do for her!