Valentine’s Hearts: Kinky Style!

In my previous post Sexy Valentine’s Days Ideas, a reader who goes by D, gave me the most hilarious comments, so I have to share some of them with you. Valentine Hearts You remember those candy hearts we had in school? The ones in the little cardboard boxes with...

Secret Holiday Wishes

One of the things I love about holiday fun is learning how you guys and gals sneak around when there is so much family in the house. Holiday Time There you are, the head of the household, wishing you had on that special pair of holiday panties you got your wife for...

Sissy Shopping During the Holidays

I know the idea of going to the mall at this time of year can be daunting (to say the least!), but you girls who love to shop, it can be a perfect time to shop inconspicuously. Sissy Dress Shopping Did you covet the boss’ dress you saw at the Holiday Party? Did...
Winter Cum Eating Fun

Winter Cum Eating Fun

I know I live in Miami and there is hardly anything you could call winter here, but I talk to many of you folks up in the northern climes and have some naughty Cum Eating thoughts for you. Snowy Cum Eating Do you have snow where you live? Is it gross snow or do you...

A Fiery 4th of July!

When I was younger, a huge group of us always went to Daytona Beach for the 4th of July. One bunch would go to the Daytona 500, but the rest of us would go to the beach and, quite literally, fry in the sun, using Crisco as “tanning” oil. 4th of July...