by Daphne | May 8, 2018 | Fetishes, Kinks, No Judgment, Religion
In Part 1, I began the discussion between how challenging it can be when our religious upbringing brings shame and embarrassment with our sexual needs and drives. But, sometimes the decision between religion and our kinks/fetishes collide and choosing one over the...
by Daphne | May 4, 2018 | Fetishes, Kinks, No Judgment, Religion
Not everyone calls for an orgasm. In fact, one of the most common non-sex calls is when the person feels pulled between their religion and their kinks or fetishes. NOTE: This will not be religion-bashing, nor blasphemous, but a very real dilemma many, many folks work...
by Daphne | May 24, 2016 | Masturbation, Religion, Uncategorized
When I was about 18-years old, I became a Born-Again Christian. I’d already been going to the gay bars for a couple of years, lived with 8 gay men, been indoctrinated at the Glory Holes and had had sex with many men, both gay and straight. I had also slept with...
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