Why Do Sissies Call Their Asshole a “Pussy?”

Why Do Sissies Call Their Asshole a “Pussy?”

Transwomen tend to call their genitals by different names than the biological names they were given at their births (Assigned Male at Birth/AFAB). Why Change the Names? When being seen as men, the transwoman’s dangly bits were called Penis and Testicles and the...

What is a “Clitty?”

A clitty is what many transwomen call their dangly bits… what men would call their penis. The origins are from body dysphoria, feeling their physical characteristics do not match what their mind says they should look like. (Men’s genitals that should be a...

Twisted & Shouting, “PERVERT!”

I’ve been called a pervert for most of my life. What’s a Pervert? Definition 2: A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable. synonym: deviant Definition 3? Let’s poke around and see what other dictionaries say. blinking...